Giving Illegals a Break on State School Tuition...
SO the legislature wants to give the children of illegal aliens a break on tuition provided that they qualify to get into the state school, have attended high school for four year, and apply for legal status. Where's the harm?
These kid's parents more than likely can't even afford tuition with the price break, but it puts it within range. If the kid does make it in then they become a legal citizen who will certainly make more money than they would've otherwise, thus increasing our tax base. Even on a purely humanitarian level it lets them pursue a dream that's the reason their parents are here.
Will it prevent other students from coming in? Maybe so, but odds are good that these students have more options available to them then the illegal kids do. It certainly won't prevent anyone from going to college.
This isn't a free pass to the college of their choice so how it will displace "thousands" I fail to see. I would imagine that the entrance standards are set lower for the Hispanic kids and righfully so, but once in everyone is held to the same standard. If they get in and can't perform then they'll wash out.
If all of this is really an issue then it means that the state will have to build more schools, provide more classes online and generally find ways to get more North Carolina grads into classrooms. Hey, maybe we could make it impossible for Virginians to attend! That would free up some room and I've met more obnoxious folks from just up north than any of the ones I've met from way on down south.