
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
  Long night...
or short one depending on how you view it. Leigh and I stayed up until the wee hours discussing something that needed discussing. It started out a little ugly but ended beautifully.

I'm not as tired as I would've thought, though the drive home may be dicey. Oh well, price you pay I guess.

I can't wait to go on the retreat this weekend. Oh yeah for those not in the know, the men from our church (and some unafilliated) are going on a retreat to Camp Haynes. I've been to the past two the second time being for part of a Saturday. Lots of good fellowship, teaching, napping, singing and movie watching to be had. I'm going to try and leave Friday at 4:00 if I can make up the hour before hand. It's very near Pilot Mountain and there's any ultra steep trail that some maniacs run up at full tilt only to run back down again. I've never made it to the top and with the weather (and the physical shape I'm in) leads me to believe that this is not the year for it.

I can't wait to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The fact that it got made doesn't surprise me. The fact that it's getting made well does.

King Kong needs to hurry up and get made.

That's all for now.
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