
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
  My prayers…
Today is a day of prayer for me. I just spent about a half hour walking around my grounds at work and praying. I cling to this as I pray.

James 5:16b "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

I claim no personal righteousness. Mine comes through Christ and it is His power that I claim.

I pray for:

TMAG - The group of guys I meet with that struggle deeply with sexual sin, with some successes and some failures. God’s grace is sufficient for us my brothers.

Mark Brown - Keep your faith brother. God has got you in precisely the right place. Your ministry is a blessing to more people than you know.

The adult education program at Redeemer - We are equipping the saints and sending them out. My prayer is that it not only continue, but to improve and for the fruit to bust open the doors of the storehouse. And as an extension to that I pray for Steve Beck that he would continue to help people answer the call to missions work and that we as a body support him in whatever his needs may be.

The staff at Redeemer - May your families bless you and may your ministries bless you as they have us.

John "Bear" Payne - You are my brother. The only thing that keeps that from being true in every sense is blood and Christ took care of that. I pray for you and your wife, your health, wisdom, and gifts that will bless the world for generations to come. You aren't alone in this fight.

Big Jay - You've had a hard time and I pray that God will heal you form broken relationships and see you through things. May his grace shower on you without ceasing.

My wife and children - I am not the best father/husband in the world, not even close, but I do want to lead my family in a way that will glorify God. May he help me in that endeavor.

My co-workers - I want to be a blessing to them and I pray for the prayer group here that it continues to be strong and that it will continue to bless lives here.

My job - They say that your job is a ministry and I pray that it would be. May my work point people to Christ. I don’t know how that will happen, but I am convinced that God can do it.

Chuck E - I think both he and God are certain of what my prayers are here.

My parents/grandparents/etc. and Leigh's Mom/grandparents/etc. - They have continued to be a blessing to our family and I pray that God will bless them a thousand times over there provision for us.

The family/church that donated their truck so that I would have a vehicle - I pray that God repays your generosity as well and that He continues to use your life in the lives of others.

I pray all these things claiming the power that resides in Christ’s shed blood and in His name. Amen.
A part of me feels left out. Another part feels guilty for the feelings of that first part.
If it's any consolation I do pray for you.
Any prayers that are done are greatly appreciated Scott. I need some more, as right now is particularly painfull. I hope the rest of your group has much success and love.
Any prayers that are done are greatly appreciated Scott. I need some more, as right now is particularly painfull. I hope the rest of your group has much success and love.
Any prayers that are done are greatly appreciated Scott. I need some more, as right now is particularly painfull. I hope the rest of your group has much success and love.
Wow! A triple post!

Seriously though, if you need a shoulder, even though mine is a distance away, I think you have my number.
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