
Monday, June 13, 2005
  Getting fed...
Okay so I've done some reading (Blue Like Jazz and
A History of God both in part), some thinking, and a lot of talking to folks I know. I have decided that for the present time I can safely say this.

I believe that Christ lived a sinless life. I believe that he was both God and man and that there's' no possible way to understand how that is. I believe that he was crucified to death, that he rose again under the power of God. I believe that all of this was necessary to save my sorry ass (and the rest of me).

I'm not sure how infallible the Bible is but I don't worship it so I'm okay with that. I don't know how long it took God to create the Earth and frankly at this point that needs to be at the bottom of my list of things to be concerned about (ditto the Flood). There are convincing arguments both ways which I presently interpret to mean that no one really knows and we're all just frantically hoping that our interpretation is right.

God isn't going to take care of my every physical need (which sucks because I really don't want to give up DirecTV....okay so that's not a need), but he's done a more important thing than that (see Christ). There isn't one life path that God wants me to follow, but there is one destination that He wants me to get to and only one person who can get me there (and that ain't me).

God loves me (and so do a whole raft of people out there) precisely as I am though they all would like me to be a better father/husband/friend more so that I could be a blessing to others than to earn any blessing for myself.

There's probably more but that's a really good starting place.
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