Are We Christians Lazy or Just Stupid…
I saw this in the local B&N yesterday while I had the kids on an outing.

Who needs a book to tell them how to mine religious messages from Narnia? I mean I love it (I’m re-reading the whole shooting match), but it’s really a series for kids, a fairy story, and not complex enough to need a study guide. If you’re a reasonably well read brother then you ought to be able to make it out on your own.
I find it almost as silly as

That got me to thinking about something I read on another blog (I’d link it but I forget which one it was at) regarding how easily we swallow the silliest flavor of the week because it happens to be Christian (I’m looking at you Mr’s LaHaye, Jenkins, and Warren). Not that there isn’t value in their books, but we are capable of better as believers.
We don’t need someone telling us to think positive and good things will happen. We do need complex stories about realistic people. We do need movies that show people, Christian people, as capable of sinning. We don’t need any more Carman movies (I love you brother but stick to singing).
We have so many folks out there capable of thinking for themselves and creating challenging art, but I have a feeling that they would be shunned by the majority for being controversial.
Expect more from Christian publishers and artists. Let them push the boundaries. Don’t buy something just because you saw it in a Christian bookstore or heard about it on TBN. And if you do, read it with a critical eye.
End of rant.