
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
  Date Night...
Leigh and I went on an honest ot goodness date last night. We went to Moe's and had a lovely dinner. We talked and laughed. We went to Border's and read bits from this book. We drank coffee and just generally hung out kid free. It was nice.

Regarding Mudd's, we'll have the second strip up on Monday, Crom willing.

Finally, concerning all of the political crap that's going on as a result of Katrina and whatnot, you can read about it here, here, or here. All savvier than I.

P.S. For a laugh go here and read a really geeky Mac-centric comic strip.
You took your wife to Homer Simpson's bar?

You're old dog you, I knew you had a Valentino-style heart in you!
I know, I'm such a romantic.
And a Applegeeks strip back when they were funny. That was YEARS ago it seems.
I dunno, I like the current strips, but for a different reason.
Man, I don't know. I just can't get into the whole rouge sentient walking version of a computer thing. I've read so many other strips that do the same thing. They may not be as pretty as Applegeeks, but they have strips that are entertaining. The only Apple-geared site I read now is Mac Hall. That stuff is da bomb, yo.
Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.
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