
Thursday, September 15, 2005
  Last Man Standing

I love this movie. I love everyone in this movie. I love Cristopher Walken. I love Bruce Willis. I love the way it begins and I love how it ends. I love the respect that Hickey shows John, one hired killer to another. I love lines like this:

John Smith: Does your boss have a first name?
Lucy Kolinski: Only in the bedroom.

I love that Bruce doesn't feel the need to joke around or be a smart ass, just a bad ass. I love it in spite of a bad line like this:

Finn: I guess you'll just have to kill me.
John Smith: It'll hurt if I do.

I love that the violence is unrelenting and I love how the men who live by the gun, die by it. I love that it seems to me John will find Felina and put the gun down (he takes the cross up and follows her). I love that her name is Felina, because it HAS to be a Marty Robbins reference.

I would give it a 10, but as much as I love it, it ain't perfect so we'll go a 9 for this one.
Never saw the Kurisawa film nor the Eastwood film, but I did see the Willis film, and if it is half as good as the other ones are, I want to check them out.
Me too.
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