
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
  Bald pate...
Jay wanted to see it. This may crash the whole internet.

A bare head AND chin?

I..I...I just don't know what to say. No, don't touch me. I just...just need to think on my own for a bit...

*walks out the door, weeps*
Worry not. Winter is coming and with that the return of the facial hair.
Holy Shit!

You look like every sketch artist composite of every criminal EVER.
For the love of mankind, please check out this site.

A colleague of mine who also sports the shaved look said I look even more like a convict than he does.
*falls over*

How do you spell goofy looking?


Why don't all you movie stars and models post your own mug shots on the internet for all to see? I think Scott looks just fine.
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