
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
  Thunderbirds Are Go!

It was a fun movie. Yes I would have liked to have seen more of the adult Thunderbirds in action. Yes there was so much cheese that I'm sure I won't have a BM for another week. Yes there's no way that real teenagers would act like this. But when you look at the huge vehicles, Tracey Island, and Ben Kingsley playing a villain called The Hood (why the Hood when he doesn't wear one?) I think you know you're in fantasy land so it's okay.

I think that they pretty much nailed the look of the movie and the characters. I wouldn't buy it and probably wouldn't have rented it, but it wasn't at all a bad way to spend ninety minutes walking down memory lane via Starz. I give it a seven out of ten, mainly for the visuals.
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