
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
  The Chronicles Creep Closer...

Click the picture and then click "Clip No. 1".


I'm not feeling this one.

At all. Which is really weird 'cause lord knows I love hot minotaur action.
I am sooooo feeling it. Not feeling Superman Returns though. What's with the title anyway? Where's he returning from? Isn't it an origin story? I do have the red, gold, and blue as my desktop though.
It's not an origin story. It's a sequel (of sorts) to the Donner flicks. He's returning from the suck of space that Krypton used to be. He's been gone for 5 years.
See, I did not know that and the teaser doesn't tell us that (not that a teaser should tell us much) at least not that I got.
That teaser for Superman just owns me.

Narnia looks good - a lot better than I thought it would.
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