
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
  Commercialization of Christmas...
Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!!

Read the article I wrote for Nation's Punched, come back here, and share your Christmas commercial nightmares.
nice job on this essay. i especially liked hearing your philosophy on gifts. i'm around someone who has kids (i don't have my own) and the fixation on more-more-more gifts blows me away. i like to give something i've baked (if time permits)
Christmas is far down my list of favorite holidays because of the focus on "gimmie-gimmie-gimmie." Even in my own house!
Nice job, Cap. I liked the essay a lot.

It's amazing how overblown and absurd Christmas has become. Amidst all the hubbub about "the war on Christmas" and the insane gift giving and the decorating and Santa fetishism, there is a small, lovely holiday trying to get out.
Thanks guys!
I can't stomach the ACLU stand trying to take the religion out of Christmas. Even (sometimes especially) in small towns, they're too afraid to even use the word...it's gotten to be Happy Holidays or some other euthanized version.
I guess for me it all gets back to the reason someone is saying HH. I view it most of the time as someone being sensitive to other people POV.
See, I view it as someone being scared that some whack-job is going to go spycho on them because they're "forcing their religion" on them by using a word with "Christ" in it.
That would be the raving paranoid take on it, sure.
Nobody ever accused me of being not-paranoid.
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