Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test!
It's something to do on a slow day.1) Does the departure of any one radio disc jockey, no matter who it is, merit a radio station changing its name, firing some DJs, and hiring others as they rearrange their schedule? I'm thinking specifically of 92.3 KROCK, soon to be known as “92.3 FREE”, but readers are free to answer the question on general principal.
2) What's the absolute worst last-minute gift you've ever given someone, and how do you feel about it today?
For my first anniversary I gave my wife a copy of Dave Barry's "Guide to Guys". I lamely tried to pass it off as soemthing "paper" which is the tradiional first anniversary gift. It was lame then and it is lame now. We're still married and for that I'm thankful.
3) Which song would you say most influenced and/or changed your taste in music?
Hmmmm. My taste in music is pretty broad. It's hard to pin it down to any one song or artist. I'm gonna let this one gestate.
4) You can either have a passive mental super power, or an active physical one. Which would you prefer and why?
I'm gonna say passive mental, because I'm a passive mental person. Emphasis on mental. As far as the specific power goes I'd love to have a sort of post-cognition that would come from handling objects. You know go into a house, touch the walls, and know everything that went on there.
5) Would you be comfortable with fame?
No. I'm not sure that it would be good for me. Would I enjoy it? Sure.
6) Since people thought the last test was too hard, I'll throw in an easy one: list as many prepositions as you'd like.