
Monday, February 27, 2006
  Desires of My Heart...
I want this:

even though I know that the computer I have is "good enough".

Also, I joined Gold's Gym and promised a buddy I'd be a workout partner. Pray for me. (I really am looking forward to it, but discipline has never been my strong suit.)

Oh and God's in there somewhere. ;-)
That's what I have at home (the new Intel dual core).
Tell me your address again?
It is indeed.
Fortress Von Doom
666 Periwinkle Lane
DOOMberg, Latveria

It's a fun machine...but what the Apple guys didn't tell me was that a ton of apps are not supported yet. Final Cut being the one that I bought and found out the hard way about.

But it's sure pretty.
Too quick on the draw.
That's what she said.
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