
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
  Bush and the Apocalypse...
President Bush on a trip to Ohio was asked a rather interesting question. Interesting if for no other reason than it wasn't a softball.

One woman asked Bush whether he saw terrorism as a sign of the biblical Apocalypse,

to which Bush said:

"I haven't really thought of it that way. ... I guess I'm more of a practical fellow."

and proceeded to lay down his usual talking points.

Now I think his answer was BS, but this is one of those no-win situations for him. He answers "Yes." and that just confirms what everyone thinks about him. He answers "No." and everyone thinks "Liar."

Personally, my eschatology doesn't follow along those lines, but if Bush's does then that's fine. As long as that wasn't the sole criteria for us going in, I don't have a problem. Even if it was just in the back of his head that'd be okay.

So here's a question, is it a bad thing necessarily for a politician's religious beliefs to influence his policy decisions? I say not in every case. As a Christian, almost everything I do is somehow influenced by my faith. If I were Senator Roche or God forbid, President Roche (though that does sound rather nice) I wouldn't check my Bible at the door. What do you think?
There's no reason for our leaders to not embrace whatever faith they choose. I mean, in a perfect system, wouldn't they be a just representation of their constituency?

The problems come when you start believing that my beliefs should yield to yours and vice-versa. And we begin to ignore our common ground.
Thanks to this glorious ol' U S of A, people can believe whatever the hell they want without total fear of being killed because of it. Pastafarianism included.

As Katanga said, the problems arise when it's one against the other in terms of faith, when the church/state divide breaks down and issues of morality require measures of law.

Though we're instructed not to swear IN the Bible, typically people are made to swear ON the Bible throughout the US court system. Personally I don't believe the presence of the Bible in the courtroom is any more likely to make people tell the truth, but that's just my standpoint.
Actually no one can force you to swear on the Bible (afaik). And yeah no book is going to make you tell the truth.
Vote Roche in 2008!
Really? I thought you had to swear in order to defend yourself, or is the Bible thing on the way out?
I know that in some courts you can make an affirmation that doesn't require a Bible. I'm sure it varies from state to state adn I'm not sure what the rule is in federal court.
I'm with Katanga. Religious belief is fine, tempered with the religious tolerance our Constitution guarantees.
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