
Thursday, March 16, 2006
  Local Terrorism Part the Second...
The Charlotte Observer has this to say about the recent events at UNC.

Triangle-area Muslim leaders on Wednesday denounced a letter from a 22-year-old man who wrote he staged an "attack" on UNC Chapel Hill students out of a love for Allah.

Feel free to read the rest, but what jumped out at me (and Brad and Britt on FM Talk 101.1) was the use of the word attack in quotes. What's up with that? They weren't really quoting him. It seems that they're saying that it wasn't an attack at all. Crazy.
Hey Scott-

Because the Archdiocese has withdrawn it's support of the state system, they won't be allowed to give any adoptions, whether they be to hetero- or homosexual couples. I too wonder if this allows for non-Catholics to adopt, but I think it does.

As for the job discrimination in religious groups, I'm sure it exists, but oddly, aren't there openly gay Catholic priests at this point, even though the higher-ups don't particularly like it?
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