
Friday, August 18, 2006
  America's Got Talent But No Taste...
Someone please tell me why these guys didn't win??

I mean I didn't watch all of every show but these guys were the best thing I saw. Of course I told my wife at the beginning, before I'd seen one second that a singer would win. *Sigh* I mean don't get me wrong, the little girl was talented, but Penn and Teller said it best. America apparently voted for cute.
Apparently. I didn't watch the show(or any TV, really this Summer), but all I've seen online are pics of that little girl. Besides cute, that is an amazing voice to come out of that little pale frame. Maybe she should have been on Idol though and left shows like this to these guys. Man, the amount they were throwing around in their living room was insane. And how could they go wrong with a flaming Hasselhoff? Robbed.
"Flaming Hasslehoff" Now that's the name of a mixed drink if I ever heard one.
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