
Friday, November 18, 2005
Thanks to the Thinklings I saw this. A pin to tell folks that you watch Joel Osteen.

I want a IWLO pin, maybe on a silver gavel.

I don't know who Joel Osteen is, but I am definately going to start reading the Thinklings. That's some good reading!
I had read the comments about the grandmother shooting the intruder in her house, and there was some guy commenting about how he would rather use pepper spray or mace, and I just rolled my eyes, "Another bleeding-heart..." Then I noticed that his name was pink instead of blue, meaning I've checked his website before...

oops... ;)
OMG. I'm getting my mom one of these pins.

This guy's gonna be holed up in a compound one of these days...mark my words.
Jay - :-P

Pat - YOu're probably right.
Osteen vaguely resembles Michael Jackson to me. Maybe it's the shiny mullet. Or the gaunt face, that given some white pancake makeup and red, red lips would terrorize the citizenry of Gotham City.
His theology is almost as scary.
I doubt he has any real theology. His God is: $$$.
Can't argue with that.
But as long as you "FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT" then you're going to heaven.

...and God wants you to be a millionaire anyway...just look at him.
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